Mallon, Patrick
University College Dublin. School of Medicine and Medical Science, Ireland.
Paddy Mallon, MD, PhD, is Professor of Microbial Diseases at UCD School of Medicine and Consultant Physician in Infectious Diseases at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (MMUH). In 2008 he established the HIV Molecular Research Group (HMRG), the largest HIV research group in Ireland, which focuses on international, collaborative, translational research into toxicities of ART, strategies to increase population HIV testing and studies aimed at better understanding immune responses to ART. Prof. Mallon is a Regional Representative for the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS), is Deputy Chair of the EACS Comorbidities Guidelines Panel and Deputy Director of the Wellcome Trust / HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme. He has published more than one hundred peer-reviewed manuscripts and sits on the editorial board of AIDS, HIV Medicine and AIDS Research and Therapy.