Camps, Oscar
Maritime entrepreneur.
He was born in Barcelona. He has been a maritime entrepreneur for over 25 years. One of his companies, Proactiva Serveis Aquàtics SL, provides lifeguard and rescue services in many Spanish beaches and pools employing over 600 people in the high season. In September 2015, after seeing the pictures of a drowned child in the Aegean Sea, he decided to take action. He moved to Lesbos where he realized there was absolutely no help for refugees in their precarious journey across the sea nor when they finally reached the shore. So he established on the island with a professional rescue team of volunteers in order to save as many people as possible. He worked there for several months founding and directing the NGO Open Arms. In March 2016 the EU and Turkey signed an agreement and he started a new Central Mediterranean mission covering the deadliest migrant route that exists nowadays. The NGO and his crew of professional volunteers have already rescued over 60.000 people from certain death. In addition, he has received numerous awards for his work and the protection of human rights across the globe.