Cahn, Pedro
Scientific Director of Fundación Huésped.
Scientific Director of Fundación Huésped since 1989, he is the former President of the International AIDS Society (IAS) and former Chief and current Consultant of the Infectiology Division of the Buenos Aires Fernandez Hospital in Argentina. He works as a professor of the Department of Medicine, Infectious Orientation of the Faculty of Medicine at Buenos Aires University. He has been involved on international working groups and HIV/AIDS conferences including the 1st IAS Pathogenesis & Treatment Conference in Argentina and the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico which he chaired. He has repeatedly acted as an advisor to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS. Based on his professional achievements, he is an Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires City and received the honorable mention "Senator Domingo F. Sarmiento" by the Senate of the Nation in 2014.