Peter Reiss
Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
Peter Reiss is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam UMC, University
of Amsterdam. He maintains a guest appointment in the Department of Global
Health and the division of Infectious Diseases and continues his research through the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development.
Served as the Director of the Netherlands HIV Monitoring Foundation until April 2021, and is a programme committee member of various conferences.
He has previously served on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Swiss HIV
Cohort Study, the Agence Nationale de Recherches sur de Sida et les hepatitis virales (ANRS), the EuroSida Study, and as one of the four rotating scientific coordinators of EuroCoord. He served as President of the European Aids Clinical Society (EACS),
as the European and Central Asia regional representative on the Governing
Council of the International Aids Society (IAS), and as co-chair of the 22nd
International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018).
Professor Reiss is clinical HIV section editor for Antiviral Therapy and editorial
boardmember of a number of other journals. A significant part of his research focuses on the long-term complications of HIV and HIV treatment, and more particularly in relation to ageing.